If you are located in Northeast Ohio and want to travel 30 minutes or more via Lyft or Uber and wish to secure one of our 5.0 rated cars and drivers for the trip, fill out the form and we will try to fit you into our schedule. We will contact you ASAP to let you know if we can accomodate your request.
The star rating is an average of the last 100 rated rides given. Our goal is to make EVERY ride a 5-star experience. We consistently meet that goal.
Over and over again we are told we provide by far the BEST Lyft and Uber rides ever experienced by our passengers.
We use high efficiency and/or hybrid electric vehicles in order to maximize our fuel efficiency and minimize our carbon footprint.
Our cars are equipped with cold soft drinks and water, phone chargers, in-car WiFi & bluetooth, Apple Music, Karaoke, Trivia, Streaming Video and more.
pick from a variety of soft drinks or water to stay cool and refreshed along the way.
we can create a custom playlist on Apple Music for your favorite artist, genre, decade, etc. or choose in-car karaoke!
Stay connected and entertained with in-car WiFi, bluetooth, and aux connections, or have a party in the car with Karaoke, Trivia, or streaming video entertainment
Conversation with your driver is always optional. We love talking with our passengers, but feel free to ride in silence if you prefer.
I have literally taken hundreds of Lyfts/Ubers and this was by far the BEST ride experience I've ever had.
Wow! What a great experience! My driver sang Karaoke with me!
Great Car! Great Driver! Great conversation. Thanks.
The flyest Lyft ever!
Free refreshments, chargers, in-car WiFi and even entertainment. What a fun ride.
I have never had a ride like this. So cool in every way.
Currently, neither Lyft nor Uber offers a way of requesting a specific car or driver through the app. And, by the nature of ride-sharing that would be difficult. There is no way to know if that car or driver will be working when you need a ride, or if they will be anywhere near your area at the time needed. The service takes us all over the region and we can't easily predict our movements.
However, we have created this website so that passengers who wish to engage us for longer rides (over 30 minutes) by appointment can have a way to request our services. We can't guarantee availability all the time, but fill out the form at the top of this page and we will let you know if we can accommodate your trip. Please try to give us as much advance notice as possible so we can more easily arrange our schedule and travel.
If we are available, we will arrange to be at your pickup location at the time specified, and you can order the ride through the app while we are right there to accept it.
Not likely. At present we have limited drivers and vehicles, and cannot accommodate every request. We are focused on providing longer rides (over 30 minutes) by appointment.
We can't guarantee availability all the time, but fill out the form at the top of this page and we will let you know if we can accommodate your trip. Please try to give us as much advance notice as possible so we can more easily arrange our schedule and travel.
If we are available, we will arrange to be at your pickup location at the time specified, and you can order the ride through the app while we are right there to accept it.
No. besides tips, we cannot accept the ride fare outside of the Lyft/Uber app. For insurance and liability purposes we require you to use the app to request the ride once we are on site to pick you up. You can of course tip your driver in cash or through the app.
If you must cancel a scheduled ride with us, please give as much notice as possible. Due to the limitations of ridesharing, we may have to curtail other driving in order to get to your location at the requested time, so we may have lost substantial income opportunities just to be there for you. Please be courteous and let us know well in advance if you must cancel. Unlike Lyft/Uber, we have no way of charging you for the inconvenience of a cancelled ride.
Currently, we offer rides for only 4 or fewer passengers per vehicle. If you have more, we may be able to schedule both vehicles to accomodate you.
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